Monday 10 August 2009

We, all of us, have our Demons

Let's talk about two of the most difficult words in the filmmaker's lexicon.

Indefinite Hiatus.

Here at Eton Crow, we do actually have our own mantra. Well, kind of. It's not like it's copywrited or anything, and it's not particualrly profound, unless you're, I don't know, stoned.

But it's a simple mantra, and it runs like this:

Real Life comes first.

It's kind of simple, really.

We don't have a budget. Nor do we have professional actors or crew or decent equipment. But we do have a lot of enthusiasm, in a kind of what kind of lame power is enthusiasm way.

The funny thing is, enthusiasm can get you a long way. Not all the way, and certainly not alone, but a fair amount, anyway.

But when real life comes first, enthusiasm is only so much use.

Put it this way. If you consider that money won is twice as sweet as money earned, then it follows that arranging a time when everybody's available and having it all work out is much more sweet than bullying everyone into fitting your arrangements. Our director maintains it's also a good way to give yourself a coronary incident, but we don't listen to him all that much.

When everyone's where you want them to be because they want to be there, that's the sweet spot, right there, baby.

Our mantra is kind of a home truth of no-budget filmmaking, because all we have here is our creativity and some not-very-good cameras, and a lot of heart.

Maybe one day we'll get some better cameras.

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