Thursday 25 March 2010

We're all the same but no-one thinks so

Our Director Writes:

Diary of a Mature Student, Week 10

So it would be easy to assume, from the last few posts, that I have kind of a downer going on about the whole experience at the moment, which would be kind of sad.

I mean, I do, some days, because my outlook on student life is so different to my fellow students that I may as well be on the moon. Seriously; I treat it like a mixture of a job and a calling, because it's a way of doing something I love in order to continue to be able to do something I love in the future.

There are these little moments, though, when things coalesce into cool, when sometimes the abject lack of motivation or social skills of some of my coursemates fade away, and I can actually feel like things are right, somehow. Like sipping too-hot miso soup at a screening this week, or meeting with friends and discussing a short film idea, or doing something nice for someone who needed some footage a-s-a-p...

... Sometimes it ain't so bad. Oh, the attendance keeps dropping along with, seemingly, people's motivation - including, annoyingly, some of our lecturers, who appear to have checked out somewhat and are mentally buying themselves easter eggs and looking forward to the holidays - but the world is, as I've said before and will, no doubt, say again, exactly what you make it and quite possibly nothing more.

And then, occasionally something comes along which is pure happy, so that helps...

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