Tuesday 12 April 2011

He's gone to Texas to watch the holy fire burn

Diary of a Mature Student: Texas Addendum

Sidebar; I'm dropping the Our Director Writes from now on, because frankly I'm the only one left at Eton Crow for various reasons until around November.

I've mentioned this before, but every now and then I have an urge to 'adopt' a movie, in that it's the kind of movie that not many people will see, or the kind of movie that's so bad it's good or fun, or... Just because.

Sound reasoning, I know.

But watch this:

Now do me a favour, and watch it again:

(I know I could have just redirected you up there, but hey, it seemed funnier to double-post.)

The Big Bang makes no sense in any kind of rational world. I would have loved to have been in on the pitching session; give credit to the kind of person who thought "Let's mix Double Indemnity with Quantum Physics and a splash of L.A. Confidential and just, y'know, run with it." 

And someone on the other side of the room pipes up with "I know! Antonio Banderas would be perfect for that role!"

How exactly does this happen? And how many Kiss Kiss Bang BOOM puns can people wring out of the "P.I. meets supercollider" genre? Wait - that's probably the only one...

But... It intrigues me, even if in all likelihood it's not going to be, shall we say, very good. And intrigue is worth it's weight, or maybe at least worth the wait...

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