Tuesday 26 June 2012

Director's Commentary Season: Explanation

More accurately, explanation and apologies. 

The Each Day, A Film section got wrapped around the lamp-post of time management at high speed about a month ago, and was already out-of-date by then. This isn't to say that I don't want to restart that (and do catchup), but there's something else I'd like to present to you first: Nothing Strange Happens in Colbourn. 

Colbourn is my final year film project, which concluded my studying time as a mature student (and go back to the start of this blog if you want to see what being a mature student was like, in my case; if you don't fancy that, let me summarise it like this: interesting, interesting, fun, fun, fun, litany of complaints, closure

But anyway. 

Nothing Strange Happens in Colbourn was difficult from start to finish, but that's filmmaking, really. You may as well say that fish are wet from birth to batter; filmmaking is compromise. 

The interesting thing is that I actually learnt a great deal from relentlessly compromising for eight months, from script to screen. 

So now for you, dear viewers - and the beautiful people who were my investors - I'd like to present the film, with this blog acting as Directors Commentary on the side. It won't always be relevant, it won't always be funny, but I hope it might just give you some insight into all the myriad processes that went into getting this film made. 

Here's how it'll work: the film is split up into five parts (yes, really). I'll post each part along with a link to this - let's be charitable - commentary. There'll also be a post for preproduction and postproduction, just so you get the full picture. 

Without further ado; 

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