Wednesday 31 October 2012

You know what? I don't care about your blame.

Even with what I was talking about in the previous post - which was, yes, about forty-five seconds ago in real time, but still - I have managed to actually sit the finagle  down and watch the occasional film.

And, because... Well, because it appeals to me, I like to get my DVDs from CEX because, frankly, their pricing policy is even stranger than HMV's used to be. (And I know that I've talked about that at some vague point in the past, but I'm doohickeyed if I can find it to link it. And linking previous entries twice in the same entry seems... Less recursive, and more idiotic.) 

So today let's have entry one (in, most likely, a series of one) of Things You Can Get For £7. 

Today brings us: 

- Die Hard
- Die Hard 2 
- Die Hard With A Vengeance
- Die Hard 4.0
- Disturbia
- Mallrats 
- and O. 

Now, there's not a Die Hard fetish going on so much as having recently read this article,  and watching this video: 

And, yes, you can buy the quadrilogy for - Ctrl-T - £12 new or £5 used on Amazon. Or buy the quadrilogy -

No, wait. Let's take a pedantic moment. Quadrilogy isn't even a word. Seriously; spellcheck hates it almost as much as I do, and spellcheck hates spellcheck as a single word, so it must be consumed with self-loathing. 

If you wanted to be right - and to have people mock you for being right, most likely, what with your book-learning and stuff - it's Tetralogy. But no-one wants to use tetralogy because it sounds like a mixture of flying dinosaurs and Russian block-games, so instead marketing brings us Quadrilogy. Because Quad = square = four corners = FOUR, you see? 

And breath. 

Anyway. So I managed to score all four films for - and this is me checking again even though I added it up a minute ago, because my concentrations pan is shot to pieces at the moment - £3.50. Used, yes, but when you can get the Die Hard TETRALOGY - ahem - for 87.5p per film, what's not to love? 

This is the world we live in, kids, where films can be made for millions of dollars and end up sold for 75p. Long tail, my ass. 

Wait, I'll rephrase that. 

So the Die Hard series-of-four-films is there because it's been stuck at the back of my mind to see them for a long time. I saw Die Hard on TV once, about... Ten years ago? And I'm sure I've seen With a Vengeance, but I've not seen all four films, well, ever. Which is kind of a shameful gap in my film knowledge, recently, considering that they're the epitome of high concept. 

Also, I find it entertaining that Bruce Willis is always looking to the right on every DVD cover other than 4.0 (which should, really, have stuck to Live Free Or Die Hard, even though us English folks with our genteel sensibilities might not have got it). 

Now, Disturbia is only really there because one of the starts of Nothing Strange Happens in Colbourn recommended it to me, and I have no idea why he did, because he's the biggest cineaste I know (even more than Michael Bolton) so when you get it for £1, well, why not, I guess. Plus, well, actual cannibal Shia Labeouf

O was also £1, and, weirdly, I've been going through an odd Mekhi Phifer phase recently, what with watching the final eight seasons (7 through 15 - don't ask) of ER, and then ended up watching Clockers, which has a really... Strange feel to it, especially in a post The Wire world. Plus, it's a part of the whole Miramax history (and speaking as someone who's read Down and Dirty Pictures somewhat obsessively over the last few years, I'm prone to interest in Miramax history.) 

Which brings us to potentially the most difficult of the purchases; Mallrats

I have kind of a complicated relationship with Kevin Smith. Not in the sexual sense - that's an image no-one needs - but that... You know, that's probably best tackled in a different post. Because that's a whole mess of weird, really.  

But hey. Not bad for £7, no? 

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