Tuesday 28 July 2009

On the value of serendipity

It's probably a good time to make a fairly candid admission; we here at Eton Crow are not professional filmmakers.

It's a shock, I know. Trained operators are standing by on the helpline to help you cope with this sudden revelation.

But we really love what we do. This must be true, because people who didn't love it wouldn't volunteer to dress up as ninjas, samurai, toxic journalists, mariachi, seventies disco proprietors or heavy metal enthusiasts without feeling some love.

Here's the thing, though; it wouldn't work without one thing. The necessary soundtrack. Without the proper sounds, our short films - such as they are - would just be the sound and fury of foolish but enthusiastic people, signifying nothing.

And this is why we'd like to talk about serendipity. Our director was, and is, a member of Barbelith. Whatever the current status of that forum - with a lot of respect, it's kind of glacial at the moment - a while ago, it was a fairly amazing place to be. He's really hesitant to talk about it in terms of 'in it's prime', but our director does get a little misty-eyed and nostalgic about Barbelith circa 2004 - 2007.

The big thing about the (B), we're assured, was the people who hung around there. One of whom, Eton Crow is proud to work with, and whom we should have talked about before.

It's a little humbling, because we should have talked about him before, given that he's scored three of our trailers, one of our short films, and is currently scoring another. But it was the music we heard tonight that made us realise that we'd been neglecting our duties, because of it's sheerly amazing nature. It was the kind of soundtrack that re-affirms your faith in filmmaking, and, no, this is not hyperbole, nor is it praise for praises' sake.

Who is this person, you ask?

Why, we could tell you. But instead, we're going to ask you to visit his music sites at http://grantimatter.com/ and http://guildofscientifictroubadours.com, and, if you find them interesting, then move on to http://www.flyingfists.org.

This is a plug overdue by a long, long time, for which we hope Mr G can forgive us. But, enjoy!

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