Sunday 31 May 2009

A revelation of sorts

Anyway, the point of all these recent posts has been to provide a sort of in media res introduction to Eton Crow as it is. I mean, we thought about just writing a Hi, We're Eton Crow and this is what we do! kind of an introduction, but then someone reminded us how important foreplay is, and so, a week on, here we are.

So, hello! My name is Lewis, and I'm the blogger for Eton Crow. It'I mean, as jobs go, it's pretty thankless, but then so many jobs are. If you're reading this - and if you're not, we're into Shrodinger's Reader territory, so beware of waveform collapses - then welcome.

There's not much point in being anything other than frank. We here at Eton Crow make films; short films and trailers at the moment because, well, we haven't got any money. Continuing on the theme of frankness, our films at the moment are probably not going to win any awards. So it's fortunate, really, that we don't actually care so much about recognition because, well, it's pretty unlikely we'll ever really get any, so... Why worry?

You probably won't believe what I'm about to say - even I have some trouble believing it myself - but it turns out there are other reasons to make films than money, power, success, respect, the adoration of people of your gender of choice... Sorry, where was I? I kind of drifted off there. Anyway, it turns out, another reason for making films - or at least making an attempt at making films - is because it's actually something you enjoy doing.

Take our first excursion into the shallow end of the swimming pool of film. As my previous posts will attest, I didn't actually think I'd get away with half the stuff that took place last weekend. Instead, I expected a mass walkout, or to be tarred and feathered, or otherwise beaten around the head with a wooden bokken for what I was asking people to do. Instead, they all seemed to enjoy the day, and while I'm prepared to believe that everyone there last Saturday could be a particularly eloquent and gifted liar, it is in theory true that they're not, and they actually did enjoy the day. I find it much easier to believe the former theory, paranoiac as it may be.

Put it this way. You're someone's friend. They call you up and ask for a favour, which can be outlined as follows.

"Hi, I'm trying to produce a film. How do you fancy spending a whole day in full sunlight - without sun cream, because the director refused to believe the weather would be good? You can spend the first four hours trying not to cripple someone else with a wooden sword and being chivvied around various places, then, after a break for lunch, you can dress as a ninja in a public place and then be chased around by a man in a 1950s army greatcoat replete with feather boa.

How does pickup at 8:00am sound?"

Based on this, I was expecting to be laughed at, beaten with sticks and cast out into the wilderness. And yet, instead, everyone turned up (!) on time and went through the whole day with the minimum of complaints.

Oh, sure, the footage we're editing together at the moment won't win any awards. But, dammit, we had a lot of fun making it, and, curiously right now, that seems to matter more than anything else...

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