Sunday 31 May 2009

From a parallel universe police cell somewhere

So you've got the people.

And you've got the locations.

And you've got the props, the craft services, the transport and the equipment.

And, granted, five and a half of the above things fit in one car.

What else could go wrong?

One thing to remember that's served me well; always notify the local police before doing anything that could be construed as 'suspicious'.

So it was that I rang the local constabulary and established where we were, how long we'd be there, and that we had permission to be there in the first place. Because, well, as previous posts will attest, ninjas. We received some exceedingly curious looks from the occasional passer-by, but not much more than that; one pair came back to have a second look at one point, because, well, ninjas, but I'm not writing this having been bailed on charges of tresspass and causing a public disturbance, so something must have gone okay.

At one point, a gentleman rich in years walking his dog wandered through one of our setups.

"I'm not getting in the way of anything, am I, lads?"

"No, no, you're alright."

A moment later and he had wandered off, without ever wondering why a man in a feather boa and army greatcoat was standing round the corner of one of the buildings.

Anyway; just so you know, Eton Crow has a website. Granted, all there is there is a link to here, so things may get recursive for a little while, but still, it's a start.

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